Important GUS info

Global Underscore (GUS) 2019

Saturday, June 22, 2019: 10:00 am–2:00 pm EST (UTC-04:00)

We have various costs for GUS, including making the NEW WEBSITE!
Please “like” the Global Underscore Facebook page

2017 Global Underscore Sites

55 sites




Guangzhou (ChengShiShanMin Villa)

June 24 10:00 pm - June 25 2:00 am/Modified Jam Score
Moon Hu & Jack Yan:  email
Mao Feng Mountain  510000
Talk-Through: June 24 from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Hong Kong (Blank Space Studio)
22:00-2:00/Modified Jam Score
Arvin Cheng: email
Hong Kong, 999077
Talk-Through at 20:00

Macau SAR (White Space)
16:00 - 20:00, June 24/Non-Synchronous Modified Jam Score
David Leung: email
The practice is supported by Soda-City Experimental Workshop and sponsored by the Cultural of Affaires Bureau of the Macau SAR Government.
Talk Through:  14:30 - 15:30 on the same day

Shenzhen (Deyiyang Art Education) (near Hong Kong)
22:00-2:00 GMT+8/Modified Jam Score
Maru & Mimi: email
1/F, Conferge Dragon Garden, Shangmeilin, Shenzhen  518049
Talk-Through at 20:00 GMT+8
About Maru & Mimi:
Maru's wechat: yuenjiemaru


Tel-Aviv (Noa-Dar Studio)
5:00pm-9:00pm/Full Score Practice
Laskov 13, Tel-Aviv
Lior Ophir:  email
Talk-Through:  5:00pm-5:30pm


Singapore (Make It Share It)
Modified Jam Score
Chan Sze-Wei:  email
540 Sims Avenue #02-06, Singapore  387003 
U/S workshop 28 May, 18 June.
Talk through at 9:30pm GMT + 08:00 (4:30pm Estonia time)


Tokyo (Beach or Outdoor)
11:00 pm - 3:00 am/Modified Jam Score
3 katasekaigan fujisawashi
Yasukichi:  email
ぐろーばるあんだーすこあ Global Underscore 2017 東京か近郊 (please search fb page)



4:00 pm - 8:00 pm/Full Score Practice
Sebastian Schubert:  email
the venue is not fixed yet, but the GUS will certainly take place:)
Talk-Through 3:00 - 4:00 pm


Viljandi (mtü evestuudio)
5:00pm-9:00pm/Full Score Practice
Nancy Stark Smith:  email
Jakobsoni 47c, Vijandi  71009
Talk-Through from 11:00am-1:00pm


Barnave, Drome ("Le Serre" Barnave)
16:00 - 20:00/Full Score Practice
Collectif 3 petits points:email
La Serre, 26310

Lauret (Foyer de Lauret)
Modified Jam Score
Agnés Vinel & David Olivari: email
Place Miolane, Lauret  34270


Bonn, Nordhrein Westfalen (Turnhalle der Johannesschule Bonn)
4:00pm-8:00pm/Full Score Practice
Tanja Striezel:  email
Talk-Through at 3:00 pm

Hamburg (Triade)
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Bernstorffstraße 117, Hamburg, Germany  22767
Heilke Bruns & Sigrid Bohlens: email
Talk-Through at 3:00 pm

Leipzig, Sachsen
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Ulrike Christi:  email
Engertstrasse 6,  04229
Talk-Through:  3:30 pm


12:00 - 16:00/Non-Synchronous Full Score Practice
Grégory Chevalier:  email
Juranyi utca 1, Budapest  1026
It will be in the workshop foundation studios.
Talk-Through from 12:00 - 12:30


19:00 - 23:00 on June 25/Non-Synchronous Modified Jam Score
Marianna Makri:  email
Sarri 14, Attiki  10553
Talk-Through at 19:00


Arezzo, Tuscany (Spazio Seme)
Modified Jam Score
Caternina Mocciola:  email & Leonardo Lambruschini email
Spazio Seme, hosted by Leonardo Lambruschini
Via del Pantano, 36, Arezzo, Tuscany  52100
the Crisis Art Festival happening in Arezzo will be our partner.

The Netherlands

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland (Studio 100)
16:00 - 20:00/Full Score Practice & Modified Jam Score
Kees Lemmens:  email
De Wittenstraat 100,  1052BA
website of the Saturday Amsterdam Jam:
Current Saturday Amsterdam Jam co-organisers:
Diederik Burke *
Patrick Johnson *
Sebas van Wetten *
Natanja Den Boeft Tim Justo *
Rita Vilhena
Tom Goldhand
Kristien Sonnevijlle
Kees Lemmens *
* = Likely or sure to be present on 24th of June It is unsure to unlikely if the others will be present. However the weekly Saturday Amsterdam Jam exists thanks to all these people, and as such I feel I should mention them for enabling me to turn this 24th June edition into a special extra long UnderScore/Jam. +I believe The Saturday Amsterdam Jam is a vital core of Contact Improvisation in the Netherlands.

internet: We do have access to the internet usually, but only on a fixed dingy computer relatively far from the studio. +I myself would wish not to be much of an internet person, and do consequently feel ill at ease with this kind of technology/medium or the other way around all in all I am not sure how much you can expect to hear from us.

Talk-Through:  16:10 - 16:30
 I hope to be able to keep it relatively light, short / 'principal', and maybe I won't talk through áll the states/phases and meetings. I will make more information available on the wall or so. It will work OK in my experience. And if some NL dancers are, for my experience, unusually interested in the talk or in studying/practicing the UnderScore more (often), I will surely also invite them to the weekly Wednesday Focus Jams & Score-Labs. These Wednesday Jams I (co-)organise are more oriented in this direction than the Saturday Jam is.


Glasgow (Kinning Park Complex)
4:00 pm - 7:30 pm/Non-Synchronous Modified Jam Score
Penny Chivas/@TheGlasgowJam:  email
43 Cornwall St., Glasgow, Scotland  G41 1BA
Brief talk-through of the modified jam score, not of the Underscore.


Malaga, Andalucia
4:00 pm - 8 pm/Modified Jam Score
Virginia Maldonado: email
C/Leopoldo Alas Clarin 3, Malaga, Andalucia 29002
Talk-Through at 3:00pm


6:00 pm - 10:00 pm/Full Score Practice
Anna Titova: email
Pavlovskaya 18, Moscow 


Gozd Martulijek (Hotel Rute)
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Ales Kranjc Ku slan:  email
Zgornje Rute 40, Zgornje Rute 40, Gozd Martuljek 4282
The GUS will b part of The Summer Solstice Dance Festival under the Mountains which will take place from 21st till 25th of June
Talk-Through:  3:00pm


Barcelona (ENEstudio Barcelona)
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Natividad Insua:  email
Passatge Sant Antoni Abad, 11  08015
Talk-Through:  3:45 pm


             Kyiv (Kyivskaya Yoga Studia)
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm/Modified Jam Score non-synchronous  
Ivanna Smolyana & Yuriy Kuzin:  email  
Mikhaylovskaya, 12-b, code 3 (Yoga Studio)

 United Kingdom

Bedford, Bedfordshire (University of Bedfordshire)
3:00 pm - 7:00 pm/Full Score Practice
Colleen Bartley: email
Pothill Avenue, Bedford, Bedfordshire  MK41 9EA
This GUS is nested in the UKCITE weekend which is also hosted at the University of Bedfordshire 23-15 of June.
Talk-Through is at 2:00pm



Buenos Aires, Capital Federal (Centro Nacional de la Musica y la Danza)
11:00 am - 3:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Cristina Turdo & Laura Barcelo: email & email
Mexico 564, 1065
Talk-Through: very brief at the beginning
Free Entrance

Necochea quequen, Buenos aires (Escuela de Artes de Quequen)
11:00 am - 3:00 pm/Full Score Practice
Veronica Choperna: email
519#2686 Beunos aires 7630


Campinas, SP (LabFEF/University of Campinas)
11:00 pm -3:00 pm/Full Score Practice
Marilia Carneiro:  email
Avenida Zeferino Vaz, Campinas, SP  13084-080
Talk-Through on Friday 8:00pm-10:00pm

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina 
11:00 am - 2:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Ana Alonso; Fernanda Nicolazzi:  email; email
Visconde de Ouro Preto, 431. Centro 

Porto Alegre, RS
Non-Synchronous Satellite
Franck Waille:  email
av. Mariland,  90440191

Sao Paulo (Espaco Vajra)
11:00 am - 3:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Ricardo Neves: email
Rua pelotas, 302  0412-001


Providencia, Santiago (Escuela de Danza, Universidad de Las Americas)
10:00 am - 2:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Camila Cavieres & Javiera Sanhueza:  email
Antionio Varas #929, Region Metropolitana  7500973
Talk-Through:  June 22 & 23 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Valparaiso, Valparaiso (Parque Cultural de Valparaiso)
4:00pm - 7:00pm/Non-Synchronous Modified Jam Score
Rocio Rivera Marchevsky:  email
Calle carcel #471, Cerro Cárcel, Valparaiso, Valparaiso  2340000
escenalborde will be the organizer
We plan to start with a small dance and then do an open Jam practice.
Talk-through will occur at the end of the jam.


Ciudad de México (Viveros de Coyoacán s/n)
9:00 am - 1:00 pm/Full Score Practice
Dulce Trejo:  email
Viveros de Coyoacán, 03960
Talk-Through is after opening Small Dance

Monterrey, Mexico (Concha Acústica Obispado)
9:00 am - 1:00pm/Full Score Practice
Rafael José Verguer s/n, Col. Obispado, Monterrey, Nuevo León  64060
Daniel Ontiveros:  email
Talk-Through is after the opening Small Dance 


Montevideo (Facultad de Artes)
Modified Jam Score
Elen Schelotto & Mariana Carriquiry:  email
Avenida 18 de julio 1772
Talk-Through on June 20 at 10:00 am and Friday, June 16 at 6:00 pm



Montréal (Studio 303)
10:00 am - 2:00 pm/Full Score Practice
Kinga Michalska & Benoit Martin:  gus2017 -[AT]-  benoitmartin  -[DOT]- com 
372 Ste-Catherine Ouest, Montréal, QC  H3B 1A2
Organized in collaboration with the ACI (Association Contact Improvisation) of Montréal, QC.
No Talk-Through

Salt Spring Island, BC (Beaver Point Hall)
2 pm - 6 pm/Non-Synchronous Full Score Practice
Margarita Kozhevnikova:  email
Beaver Point Hall, 1361 Beaver Point Rd, Salt Spring Island, BC  V8K 1W9
Talk-Through:  1 pm
It is in the frame of the annual CI festival on Salt Spring Island:

Stukely-Sud, Eastern Townships, Quebec (DANSE ORÉE DES BOIS)
10:00 am - 2:00 pm/ Full Score Practice
Stéphanie Gaudreau & Clémence Boucher:  email
DANSE ORÉE DES BOIS, Stukely-Sud, Eastern Townships, Quebec  JOE 2J0
Talk-Through: Friday 6:00 pm, June 23

Toronto, Ontario (Dovercourt House)
10:00 am - 2:00 pm/Full Score Practice
Vivek Patel:  email
805 Dovercourt Rd., M6H 2X4
Talk-Through 10:00 am


Asheville, North Carolina (Battery Park Senior Apartments Roof Garden Room)
June 25, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm/Non-Synchronous Full Score Practice
Idelle Packer:  email
1 Battle Square,  28801
Talk-Through:  1:30 pm, Sunday, June 25
we will tap into the energy of the previous day's Underscores around the world and certainly honor that as we begin our Underscore. Thank you!

Berkeley, California (The Finnish Hall)
7:00 am - 11:00 am/Modified Jam Score
Jun Akiyama:  email
1970 Chestnut St., 94207
Facebook event:
Talk-Through:  6/23, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Location: Please Contact

Brooklyn, New York
10:00 am - 2:00 pm/Full Score Practice
Lucy Mahler:  email
537 Broadway, New York, New York

Buffalo, New York (Evolation Yoga)
10:00 am - 2:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Rebecca Sophia Strong:  email
476 Rhode Island St., Buffalo, NY  14213
This is part of a weekend of dance from June 23-25.  Contact Rebecca for info.
Talk-Through on June 23 from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Part of the Buffalo Underscore Weekend
Rebeca Sophia Strong
Scott Slocum
Nancy Hughes
Lindsay Daniels
Phil Wackerfuss
Jacky Zee
Lori Brett
Christopher England
Dale West
Roy Wood
Monica Heavey

Columbus, Ohio (Ohio State University/Sullivant Hall)
10:00 am - 2:00 pm/Full Score Practice
April Biggs:  email
1813 North High Street, 43221
Talk-Through time TBD

Evanston, Illinois (Ridgeville Park District)
9:00 am -1:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Daniel Halkin:  email

908 Seward Street,  60202
In our Underscore the phases are led verbally to accommodate people who are new to the Underscore, and people are allowed to arrive and leave when they need to. We have this kind of Underscore once a month so things are tuned to be sensitive to the needs of the group - experienced practitioners of the Underscore have found the verbal element non-intrusive, which is our goal.
No Talk-Through because the phases are led verbally

Missoula, Montana (The downtown Dance Collective)
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm/ Non-Synchronous Modified Jam Score
Tricia Opstad:  email
121 W. Main Street, Missoula, Montana  59802
Talk-Through from 11:30am-11:55am

New Orleans, Louisiana (Swaha Yoga at Louisiana Himalaya Association)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm/Non-Synchronous Full Score Practice
Ryuta Dutah Iwashita:  email
623 N Rendon St., New Orleans, Louisiana 70119
Talk-Through at 6:30 pm

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Mascher Space Cooperative)
10:00 am - 2:00 pm/Full Score Practice
Loren Groenendaal:  email
155 Cecil B. Moore Ave.,  19122
Talk Through is 9:00 am - 10:00 am 6/24/17

Plainfield, Massachusetts (EARTHDANCE)
10 am - 2 pm/Full Score Practice
Patrick Crowley, Sarah Young:   email
252 Prospect St, Plainfield, MA 01070
Talk-through: 8:30-9:30 am
Please be at least 15 minutes early!

Santa Fe, New Mexico (Move Studio)
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm MST/Non-Synchronous Modified Jam Score
Jaye Marolla & Mali Jarvis:  email
901 W San Mateo Rd, 87505
Talk-Through from 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Seattle, Washington (Washington Hall)
7:00 am - 11:00 am/Full Score Practice
Katherine Cook:  email
153 14th Ave, Seattle, WA  98122
Talk-Through:  June 23 at 5:00 pm


South Africa

Cape Town (Theatre Arts Admin Collective)
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm/Modified Jam Score
Thalia Laric:  email
Cnr Milton & Wesley Street, Observatory, Cape Town, Western Cape  8001
Attendance at the Talk-Through (7-9 pm, June 22nd) is essential.
Talk-Through is led by Thalia Laric at Cnr Milton & Wesley St, Observatory.



Fitzroy, Victoria (Cecil Street Studios)
midnight - 4:00 am June 25th/Full Score Practice
Ashley Macqueen:  email
66 Cecil Street, Fitzroy, Victoria, 3065
Compulsory Talk-Through and supper at 11:00 pm at Underscore Venue

New Zealand

Wellington (Toi Poneke Dance Studio)
10:00 am - 2:00 pm/ Non-Synchronous Modified Jam
Juliet Shelley: email

69 Abel Smith Street, Te Aro   
Talk-Through:  10:00 am - 10:45 am

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