Important GUS info

Global Underscore (GUS) 2019

Saturday, June 22, 2019: 10:00 am–2:00 pm EST (UTC-04:00)

We have various costs for GUS, including making the NEW WEBSITE!
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Time for GUS 2014

As winter solstice passes, we have summer solstice on the horizon.  4-8 pm in Warsaw, UTC +2, Global Underscore 2014.

The time has been determined for Warsaw's GUS 2014

Global Underscore 2014


June 22
4-8 pm
(UTC +2)


Warsaw observes daylight savings from March 30, 2014 to October 26, 2014.

At the time of Global Underscore 2014, Warsaw is UTC +2. Warsaw is currently UTC +1.

(Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is similar to Greenwich Mean Time.)

Global Underscore 2014 Scheduled!

The Global Underscore 2014 will be held

Sunday, June 22

Time will be announced soon

Nancy and Mike will be in Warsaw, Poland  

Underscore NYC will help coordinate

Nancy, Lucy, and Brandin coordinate through Underscore NYC

Brandin Steffensen :
Nancy Hughes :
Lucy Mahler :


Baile en el Aire, Pitres (Alpujarras Altas), Granada, España

GUS2013.BaileEnElAire.all2 by Enclave Granada
GUS2013.BaileEnElAire.all2, a photo by Enclave Granada on Flickr.


Baile en el Aire, Pitres (Alpujarras Altas), Granada, España

Zumba by Enclave Granada
Zumba, a photo by Enclave Granada on Flickr.


Baile en el Aire, Pitres (Alpujarras Altas), Granada, España

OpenAcrobaticScore by Enclave Granada
OpenAcrobaticScore, a photo by Enclave Granada on Flickr.


Baile en el Aire, Pitres (Alpujarras Altas), Granada, España

DSC_0048 by Enclave Granada
DSC_0048, a photo by Enclave Granada on Flickr.



Baile en el Aire, Pitres (Alpujarras Altas), Granada, España

DSC_0043 by Enclave Granada
DSC_0043, a photo by Enclave Granada on Flickr.


DSC_0037 by Enclave Granada
DSC_0037, a photo by Enclave Granada on Flickr.


Baile en el Aire, Pitres (Alpujarras Altas), Granada, España

10_open_score by Enclave Granada
10_open_score, a photo by Enclave Granada on Flickr.


Baile en el Aire, Pitres (Alpujarras Altas), Granada, España

07_And_more_arriving by Enclave Granada
07_And_more_arriving, a photo by Enclave Granada on Flickr.


Baile en el Aire, Pitres (Alpujarras Altas), Granada, España

DSC_0012 by Enclave Granada
DSC_0012, a photo by Enclave Granada on Flickr.


Baile en el Aire, Pitres (Alpujarras Altas), Granada, España

03_GUS_drawings1 by Enclave Granada
03_GUS_drawings1, a photo by Enclave Granada on Flickr.


Baile en el Aire, Pitres (Alpujarras Altas), Granada, España

01_Cleaning_up_the_dancefloor by Enclave Granada

Organización: Enclave Granada, Contact-Impro Málaga, Colectivo UMA

Facilitadora: Patricia Cabrero

Agradecimiento muy especial a Isa de Baile en el Aire por ceder el espacio, magífico
maravilloso (las fotos hablan por si solas!)

Participantes: Victor Sánchez, Toñi Padilla Palomo, Stephanie Heider, Sebasatián
Asioli, Patricia Seymour, Patricia Cabrero, Nicaren Gallardo, Mercedes Aragones, Marta
Wrzesinska, Marta Muñoz, Maribel Joyanes, María Narbona, Manuel Robles Alexander
Maite del Moral Ortega, Mª Jose Gea Marín, Laura Cortés, Isa Liptay, Inma Gómez,
Imbar Guerra, Erika Mazza, Enrique Ponga Riaño, Daniel Calatayud Cabrera, Dan
Mussett, Cristina Urban, Carolina Solarana, Carlos Herrera, Antonio Martín, Ana
Escobar Zurita, Ana Correa, Abril Amigo, Silvia Romero.

Inicio: pequeña danza mirando a Liverpool.
Final: pequeña danza mirando a Dartington

Lo que se ha dicho en el círculo final… (Harvest)

tod@s: …gracias a las organizadoras, a los organizadores, a Isa por ceder el espacio, a
los músicos…

ana: “…y miles de perdones a las hormigas, fue una masacre para ellas…”

victor: “…yo estaba así bailando y de repente miré hacia abajo y había cinco o seis

(hormigas) haciendo su underscore y fue un momentazo…”

sebas: “…quiero lanzar una pregunta, hay algo de lo que se habla mucho en las jams
y que podríamos decir que es algo metafísico aunque muy real, y es la cuestión de la
“energía de una jam”, es algo que no se corresponde con ningún concierto de variables
físicas medibles, porque puede haber mucha velocidad en los desplazamientos, mucha
“energía cinética” pero la jam puede no tener una buena energía, y viceversa…
bueno, en ese sentido yo quería lanzar la pregunta: ¿el hecho de que hayamos estado
compartiendo esta danza no solo entre nosotros sino también con un montón de gente en
más de 50 ciudades alrededor del mundo les supuso algo, les pareció que hubo alguna
modificación?, ¿nos llega algo de eso?, ¿cómo nos llega?…”

carlos: “…creo que si la conexión hubiese sido con el sitio más cercano hubiera tenido
más sentido…”

enrique: “…yo quiero ponerme trascendente y, a mi, toda esta cosa me ha llevado a una
idea de transformación, la energía esta que empezó a darse aquí y esa idea de que haya
una conexión un poco más allá de los espacios que podemos percibir, y me da igual que
sea Liverpool o Murcia o Sebastopol, para mi si que tiene un sentido y de alguna manera
ha estado presente, no se quién de vosotros en algún momento para mi ha sido Liverpool
o Los Ángeles o Montevideo, pero si había en ese primer momento que se empieza a dar
los contactos había un tránsito y una energía que yo he sentido…”

patricia c.: “… si, para mi también… y sobre todo la primera vez que hemos hecho la
pequeña danza, con lo de Turquía, el enviar esa intención y esa energía, y este sitio que
para mi es esa apertura que te lleva a cualquier lado…”

sebastián: “…yo en la pequeña danza empecé con los ojos cerrados y sentía, en el lado
izquierdo de la cara, que era el que estaba recibiendo de Dartington, sentía mucho calor,
y del lado derecho, que era el lado por el cual le estaba enviando a Liverpool, sentía frío
como si fuera el sentir de la energía que llega y que pasa, claro, luego me di cuenta de
que estaba el sol ahí, a la izquierda, pero quizá el efecto se había intensificado…”

abril: “…a mi me ha emocionado, estos momentos de estar todos dirigidos me han
emocionado, pero el primer momento sentía mucha conexión conmigo, con las
sensaciones de mi cuerpo, y me ha gustado de después de estas tres horas, cuando
miramos a Dartington yo he notado la energía, como la vinculación de todo lo que había
ocurrido aquí y ahí me he emocionado mucho…”

all: “…aparte de que estábamos ahí, todos juntos, liderados por la madre… “

manuel: “…yo quiero daros las gracias a todos, me llevo muchos regalos, me voy

ana: “…a mi me ha hecho mucha gracia porque ese momento del inicio mirando a

Liverpool me ha recordado a Eurovisión, al momento de las votaciones… cosas raras…”

carolina: “… para mi también ha sido un viaje, mucha conexión, con este espacio, con
este lugar, la luz, ¿no? que ha ido cambiando, para mi ha sido otro viaje, la luz, luego los
músicos y, bueno, con todos y cada uno, me he sentido muy cómoda, muy libre, muy a
gusto, mucha alegría, muchas ganas de bailar y de disfrutar…”

marta: “me ha encantado tener una jam con inicio y final, y con mucho tiempo para
elaborar, porque en las jams usuales, de dos horas, que al final se quedan en hora y
media, bueno, se puede elaborar algo pero si son más, pues yo pude pasar por varias
calidades de movimiento, por varios momentos energéticos, momentos más de teatro,
más de contact físico, más de danza, luego los viajes, las hormigas, la luz, este sitio, el
suelo caliente, los músicos, el viento, además nunca había bailado en un espacio abierto
con buen suelo, super guay…”

patricia c.: “…¡¡¡y luna llena!!!”

isa: “…yo me apunto al super guay este, por las horas, me gusta esta sensación de notiempo, de entrar en un espacio fuera del tiempo, así que también super-guay, todo lo
que surgió me resulta muy interesante ese momento en que vas afuera, yo a veces cuando
voy afuera lo pierdo, y me ha gustado esa sensación de estar ahí observando cuál es el
instante en que pierdo lo que hay aquí dentro…”

marta: “…y encima la piscina, que algunos durante la jam han salido a darse un

daniel: “…estar ahí dentro, no enterarte del tiempo, de lo que haces y, de repente, sales
y hay como una sensación de pérdida de sentido, que dura un instante y además puede
coincidir con un cambio en la música o en algo, que hace que de pronto se pierda el
sentido, es algo así como muy personal… y, al respecto de la pregunta de sebas, a mi este
tipo de encuentros planetarios que veo que últimamente se están produciendo mucho, por
ejemplo este solsticio de invierno que hubo muchos fuegos a la vez en todo el planeta,
y cosas así, a mi me hacen un sentido así de que, como que desde ahí tiene sentido la
globalización, hay un sentido de unión en eso muy fuerte… ¿no es fácil no? pensar que
hay mucha gente en la misma historia y eso da una sensación de mucho sentido…”

victor: “… un poco siguiendo con lo que él dice, yo si que sentía que el trabajo estaba
arropado, no se si por la gente que estaba aquí, por la energía, por la energía de la gente
que estaba fuera, o porque de repente miraba hacia allí y todo se me deshacía… pero sí
que sentía que lo que ha ocurrido aquí estaba arropado… me recuerda a algo que decía un
cantante de kirtan, después de una sesión de kirtan que es algo tan intenso como lo que ha
podido ser hoy esto, decía: “…y si el mundo tal y como lo conocemos se mantiene y gira
por los círculos sagrados, por los círculos de danza y de cante…””

Baile en el Aire, Pitres (High Alpujarras), Granada, Spain

Organizers: Enclave Granada, Contact-Impro Málaga, Colectivo UMA

Facilitator: Patricia Cabrero

A very special thank to Isa from “Baile en el Aire” that let all of us enjoy our dance in
this marvellous place (pictures speak for themselves!)

Participants: Victor Sánchez, Toñi Padilla Palomo, Stephanie Heider, Sebasatián Asioli,
Patricia Seymour, Patricia Cabrero, Nicaren Gallardo, Mercedes Aragones, Marta
Wrzesinska, Marta Muñoz, Maribel Joyanes, María Narbona, Manuel Robles Alexander
Maite del Moral Ortega, Mª Jose Gea Marín, Laura Cortés, Isa Liptay, Inma Gómez,
Imbar Guerra, Erika Mazza, Enrique Ponga Riaño, Daniel Calatayud Cabrera, Dan
Mussett, Cristina Urban, Carolina Solarana, Carlos Herrera, Antonio Martín, Ana
Escobar Zurita, Ana Correa, Abril Amigo, Silvia Romero.

Beggining: small dance facing Liverpool.
Ending: small dance facing Dartington

Some things from our harvest…

all: ... thanks to the organizers, Isa for leting us this beautiful space, the musicians ...

ana: "... and lots of sorrys to poor  ants, it was a slaughter for them ..."

victor: "... I was dancing and suddenly looked down and there were five or six (ants)
doing their underscore and it was A-MOMENT..."

sebastian: "... I want to throw a question… there is something that is much talk in
the jams and we could say that it is metaphysical but very real, and it is the issue of
the "energy of a jam", is something that does not correspond to any measurable physical
variables, because there may be a lot of speed on the go, a lot of "kinetic energy" but
the jam may not have a good energy, and vice versa ... well, in that sense I wanted to
throw the question: does the fact we've been sharing this dance not only among ourselves
but with a lot of people in more than 50 cities around the world are, mean something
special?, ¿did you feel that there was something different?, do we get some of that?, how
it comes ? ... "

carlos: "... I think if the connection had been with the nearest place would have made
more sense ..."

enrique: "... I want to get transcendent and, to me, this whole thing has led me to an
idea of transformation, this energy that began to see here and the idea that there is a
connection beyond the spaces we can perceive, and I do not care whether is Liverpool or
Murcia or Sebastopol, to me if that makes sense, and has somehow been present, maybe
one of you at some point for me has been Liverpool or Los Angeles or Montevideo, in
that first moment we started to overlap kinespheres and make contacts, there was a transit
and an energy that I have felt ... "

patricia c.: "... yes, for me too ... and especially the first time we've done the small dance,
giving also one thought to Turkey, sending that intent and that energy… and also this
place for me is a kind of openness that leads anywhere ..."

sebastian: "... in the first small dance I started with my eyes closed and felt, on the left
side of the face, the one that was “getting” from Dartington, felt very hot, and right side,
which was the side “sending” to Liverpool, felt cold…  like if it was the feeling of the
energy coming and going…  well, then I realized that the sun was there, on the left, but
maybe the effect was intensified somehow ... "

abril: "... to me it was touching, those moments when all of us were facing the same
direction were really moving, but the first time I felt much connection with me, with the
sensations of my body, and something I liked was that, after these three hours, when we
looked at Dartington I could really feel the energy, such as linking everything that had
happened here and there ... I was very touched… "

all: "... apart from that we were there, together, led by the mother ..."

manuel: "... I want to thank you all, I get many gifts, I'm filled ..."

ana: "... to me has it was funny because the start time facing Liverpool reminded me to
Eurovision festival, at the time of voting ... strange things ..."

carolina: "... for me it has been a journey, much connection with this space, in this place,
the light, right? that has changed, for me it was another trip, the light, then the musicians
and, well, every one, I have felt very comfortable, very free, very happy, very happy,
really wanting to dance,  loads of joy ... "

Marta: "I loved having a jam with beginning and end, and plenty of time to develop,
because in the usual jams, two hours, which ultimately fall in half an hour, well, you
can work something out but if they is more time… because I could go through several
qualities of movement, of energy, there were theatrical moments, some other more on
physical contact, some more on dance, then lots of travels, ants, light, this site, warm
dance floor, the musicians, the wind, and I had never dance in an open space with good
floor, super cool ... "

patricia c.: "... and full moon!"

isa: "... I'm in for the super cool thing!…  for the hours, I like this feeling of timelessness,
of entering a space out of time, so also super-cool, all that emerged was very interesting
to me… when you go outside for instance, I'm going outside sometimes and I lose it, and
I liked that feeling of being there watching that moment when I lose what's in here ... "

marta: "... and the pool during jam some have come to take a splash! ..."

daniel: "... being there, not being aware of time, of what you do and, suddenly, you
find yourself out and there’s a feeling of loss of sense… it only last a moment and
it can coincide with a change in music or something, and suddenly it loses its sense,
is something very personal... and, in respect to the question of sebas, these planetary
encounters such that I see are happening much lately, for example this winter solstice that
there were many fires at once across the planet… to me they make sense, as if I could
say that from there globalization can make sense… there is a sense of unity that is very
strong ... is not easy, is it? think there are many people in the same story… and that gives

a feeling of a lot of sense ... "

victor: "... a little according to what Dani says, I do feel that the work was somehow
kindly wrapped, I don’t know if it was the people who were here, the energy, the energy
of the people outside, or because I suddenly looked out there and everything was falling
apart ... but I did feel that what happened here was kindly wrapped ... reminds me of
something I heard from a kirtan singer, after a session of kirtan, that is as intense as this
has been today, the singer said: "what if the world as we know it, it is maintained and keeps on spinning  due to the sacred circles, the circles of dancing and singing"…"

Bristol Harvest

Rebecca D’Andrea
Lisa May Thomas & Poppy
Mike Farrow
Itta Howie
Natasha Byrne
Richard Bannister
Claire Coveney
Myles de Gruyther
Simon Van der Linde
K’Lo Harris
Alys Mendus
Kathleen Downie
Sofia Sequiros
Dan Farberoff
Jocasta Crofts
Saskia Chaplin 

"I feel so happy"
"Snoozing in the middle of dancing"
"Do, do, do, da, da, da, is all I want to say to you"
"Like a pebble taken by the tide in the washing sea of bodies"
"Good to remember I was "in" whilst watching - it's sometimes hard to remember that"
"Old things and new things"
"Saying hello to Spain & New York on the live stream"
" Allowing myself to do nothing"
" Improvisation as a way of life"
"An abstract painting, starting with blank canvas"
"Enjoying the contrasts of creativity in the room"
"Looking outside the window & remembering the life outside this room"
"Gaps pass"
"A lovely sense of cohesion, in the group, I felt we stayed whole"
" Lots of water and sea images"
"The wind blowing moment"
"A strong female energy, it seemed to be connected to the tide and the (full) moon"
"I saw K'lo click her fingers to signal the end and I thought she was switching the idiot button off, so i stooped laughing in mid-laugh"

Susan's Harvest GUS 2013 Brooklyn NYC

Global underscore harvest
Susan Arnsten-Russell

June 23, 2013
Brooklyn NY

I was in the right place.
This was the right place to be.
To be dancing
With these people.

Allowing myself to take my time,
To take time to bond with the earth
To stand in my place on this globe
This sphere,
To think about space,
Spherical space.
Space has no shape.
It is defined by the container it is in.
Or the container it surrounds.
We stand on a sphere
Surrounded by space.
We become spheres
By allowing ourselves to think 
Of our physical bodies as skinespheres.

We move in our own kinespheres.
We allow these kinespheres to overlap.
We become aware of each other.
We are influenced by each other.
We engage briefly and disengage.
We take the time we need to continue dancing with ourselves
While beginning to dance with each other.

And then, finally, there is that moment
When we realize we are fully engaged
And nothing else matters but our curiosity about
What we are doing
In this moment
With this other being.

And that continues for an unknown duration,
An unknown amount of time
Until it ends….

And we are once more in a room full of dancers
Engaged in a particular dance practice
Aware that all over the world
There are rooms
(or outdoor spaces)
In which other groups of dancers are also engaged
In the same sequential practice.

Can something be sequential and spherical at the same time?

Lisbon Harvest 2013


June 23, 2013
Lisbon, Portugal site
2–6 pm


Nancy Stark Smith, with Mike Vargas

We were 29 people (28 dancers plus Mike making music) in a corner studio on the 3rd floor of a factory building in Lisbon, Portugal—LX Factory—that has been converted to artist studios and businesses.  Hosted by Forum Dança, this was the third day of a 3-day workshop, culminating in the Global Underscore. Quite a packed 3 days!

The factory building was at the base of a bridge that looks exactly like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco! Our studio looked up from almost under the bridge out to the orange spans. Across the river, we could see the towering arms-wide statue of Jesus that also overlooks Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. We were ready for the telescoping global connections!

I love Brandin’s beautiful opening image of the empty, ready studio in Brooklyn. (See that on the screen of the computer in our photo.) I also loved his Thin Red Line drawing sketching our zig zag east-west path around the globe (also posted on our wall). We faced Camas, Asturias, Spain on the opening stand and Rio de Janeiro, Brasil on the closing.

It was a very warm day in Lisbon, but our sweat kept us cool enough not to be uncomfortable.  Before 2pm, we were scurrying, as always, to get all the systems ready for our global rendezvous: signs written and posted, Mike’s instruments set up, Isabel setting up the Second Life link (see her in the photo), and the watermelon with mint and lemon (no limes to be found) cut up and ready for our final Sharing snack. 

Ready or not, the bell rang at 2 and we were, indeed, arriving—to ourselves, the space, the group, the event, and to all of you!  What a deep pleasure.

After last year’s supersized, tech-enhanced Global Underscore, I thought we might be giving it a rest this year. But Brandin was on fire to take it on and run with it, and we from Lisbon send HUGE THANKS to him, Nancy Hughes, and Lucy Mahler for making this powerfully positive and fascinating event happen again this year.

(typed into the computer during the Underscore)

How far are we?

All inclusive means you out there here and some of these movements were there too, where you are. Maybe a little inclination of the earth, when someone closed his/her eyes, could make a politician stumble just before he was…just before he was about to call his bank for another transition. and us in the silence of this music were we just about to make that kind of inclination for a breath? A second breath. Thank you all for this moment, we were many, can we get together again?  

open doors, open windows, open bodies

(transcribed as spoken during the Sharing; apologies for mistakes!)

liked streaming best, felt alive

enjoyed watching the projection, what makes people move, what attracts me- what attracts you, what connects and crosses, - what motivates you. enjoyed the peaceful space; everything is accepted –

 today felt very down to earth, sometimes it feels magical – today felt non- magical in a good way. felt normal and radical in a good way – was glad to be here.

amazing – wasn’t familiar with the u-score, but could relate to it. being able to notice all what had been discussed in the days before in the score was amazing

warmed up – when I do, it’s wonderful – awareness . confidence in one’s body and each other – had so much energy – more than I knew what to do with – difficult to find a resolution.

first time I did the underscore in Sao Paolo 2003 – felt lost then , felt completely different today – was special to do the u’score and CI  - events since then have connected to this moment and my involvement in the underscore.

Had a strong feeling that there is no way that our movements can not participate in the whole – felt overwhelmed

Second Life looked so alien, the most alien world, I couldn’t relate to it and was a bit freaked out by its strange relationship. The constant sound of humming bridge also alien, so that was the bridge between the Second Life and here.

A lot of things, different energies, awareness, moods, things happening. New foci. Brings a lot to the dance and the experience. Ease came from relaxing. A lot of generosity.

Quit drinking coffee 3 weeks ago. Today I drank two! Trying to, made it somehow, takes a long time for me to see the big picture, organize myself and the other, the relations.

These 3 days bring me much more awareness, not only about my body but to the group, the net we establish. Like finding little sparkles in the environment. An echo from one corner to here, feel the link between people who don’t know each other. It has been a pleasure.

A lot of fun. We created some kind of creature. Dance is a very true human activity, I relate to people through dance. Moments of stillness, subtle. Nice to look in people’s eyes, observe people.

Feeling grateful. Feeling of an aware trance. Observing everything – colour, sound, touch. Wanted to press Idiot Button but decided just to stay, it was incredible. Expectations, I forgot them. Felt oversensitive –emotional state. Almost cried in small dance. Grateful.

Injured, wasn’t going to participate but have learned to work with what I have. Thank you, I felt very supported by everyone I danced with, that they took really care. A very special sensation.

Isabel - I’m very thankful. For being able to bring Second Life; it’s not intrusive, optional.  I felt somewhere else as well as here. Spiritual connection has been the ideal. Makes it more literal. Not being too demanding. Recognizing it’s still not out of the world yet. It went very fast.

Went to see a performance and had a sensation of being a broken elastic – was in pain; no identity, didn’t want to come – I came -memories can be transformed because of the people, the room. other people’ s identity gave me identity back\

Too early to reflect – was an intense experience – today was the result of last three day’s build up – thanking the room – covering different types of rules- wanted to be active, passive, watching – felt like we were able to build a small organism . enjoyed the sensation.

Thank you. I was new to the group today - sometimes it’s not easy to let people in, but this group did.

was happy to shake off, to dance out , remembers quote:  ‘love is not necessarily sweet – you walk into a room and do anything you can – in his case was to sing really loud’. appreciated the radical approach, the fun – has to apologise – hasn’t been dancing for a long time – issue of negotiating private space – was in a vortex of my own space yesterday.  (reads passage he wrote).

The moment when we feel our weight… Jams feels like you have to do something – But here: to lie down, to feel your weight – no need to do anything- no frustrations, followed my own desires. my brain switched off. Second Life offered a different perspective. Observed contact upside down – suddenly CI made sense – people were flying.  You become an avatar.

Thank you for the 3 days and fantastic ending. During the score – because of the atmosphere, I noticed I had enough time and space to inhabit my own mind. ‘mystery’ concept from yesterday kept coming back.  Wanted to hold onto this state. noticed at some point – I was more present, noticed texture. people were very alive.

Nancy – I love that we’re allowed to look and see things which are going on –things feel private but can be directly observed – can see. there is such beauty in contrasting states going on alongside each other. Compositionally this was beautiful to see. Enjoyed the coincidence of the fact that we were facing Rio de Janeiro at the end and just outside the window, across the river, in the direction we were facing was the exact same ‘Jesus’ sculpture that stands looking over Rio! Plus someone had a Rio T-shirt on. [It’s explained that there is a protest today in Rio and many people in Lisbon are showing solidarity for that protest.] Enjoyed – after the resolution – the disengagement – we were still / fully present / various formations/ clear linkages – didn’t stop for a long time. we didn’t disengage for a very long time/  Tips of the iceberg moments.
Big thanks to Brandin Steffenson, with Nancy Hughes and Lucy Mahler, for coordinating this Global Underscore and to Forum Danca for continuing to exist and enable this meeting

Mike – thanks to us – we throw a great party

Stopped dancing for a while  -watching Mike was like watching somebody feeding a campfire.

Was great to have Mike’s support/ felt in contact with the music

I am happy to know that words and expressions exist that name what I feel when I dance CI.

Enjoyed the last three days/ felt lots of love in the beginning